Creator and Influencer Trends Brand Marketers Need to Know About Right Now

Big thanks to Ad Age for spotlighting our Smile 2 campaign with Paramount Pictures in Creator and Influencer Trends Brand Marketers Need to Know Right Now.

As Gillian Follett from Ad Age noted, “The campaign kicked off early last week with lifestyle influencer Arianna Hailey appearing to announce her retirement from social media. Soon after, creators Alex Coleman, Carter Kench and @horror_chronicles quickly responded with videos pointing out several people with sinister grins in the background of Hailey’s announcement video and other TikTok content."

The TikTok saga ends with Hailey's "retirement" being a nod to Smile 2, helping land it #1 at the box office this past weekend. Check out the final digital short featuring Arianna Hailey.

For the full breakdown, check out the Smile 2 feature in Ad Age here!


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